Deere grant
/Our team won a grant from Deere. Thanks for the continuous support from Deere!
Our team won a grant from Deere. Thanks for the continuous support from Deere!
Our team won an $800k DOJ award. Thanks for DOJ’s continuous support to our research.
Xiaowei’s paper entitled “Large depth-of-field 3D shape measurement using an electrically tunable lens“ has been accepted by Optics Express. Congratulations!
Prof. Zhang gave a keynote at MBL meets Optimess conference held in Antwerp, Belgium. Thanks to the conference organizers’ kind invitation.
Welcome Yi-Hong Liao who joined us this Fall as a graduate student!
Jae-Sang won the KSEA/KOSEN Best Poster Award by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association! Congrats!
Our team won a $1M NSF award, thanks to Prof. Ramani’s leadership! The project title is: Convergence Accelerator Phase I (RAISE): Skill-LeARn: Affordable Augmented Reality Platform for Scaling Up Manufacturing Workforce, Skilling, and Education.
Dr. Zhang was recently chosen as an Associate of Journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering (OLEN) starting September 1, 2019. OLEN is one of the top journals whose current Impact Factor is 4.059.
Professor Beiwen Li’s patent application on telecentric lens calibration has been awarded by US patent office. The patent application can be found from the following link:
Congratulations to Yatong who was officially awarded Ph.D. degree by Purdue! The future of his career is extremely bright and hope he will take a Giant Leap from here!
Jae-Sang successfully passed his Ph.D. prelim exam, congratulations! One more step to be a doctor, keep it up!
Jae-Sang, Michael, Xiaowei and I visited Orbbec in Troy Michigan. We very much enjoyed the trip, thanks to the hospitality of Orbbec team!!
Four new members joined recently: Professor Zhong is a visiting scholar , Xiaowei is a visiting Ph.D. student, Jialei and Saw are undergraduate students. Welcome all!
Dr. Zhang was promoted to full professor, Cheers!
Yatong successfully passed his PhD defense! Congratulations, Dr. An!
Glad to see former students in San Francisco, and very proud that they are doing well. Gong and Ying are at Google; Tyler is at University of Iowa; and Victor is at Magic Leap.
Beatrice and Peter won the Malott Innovation Award: the 1st Place. Congratulations! Beatrice will start her job in San Diego and Peter will start his job in Phoenix in 2019. Congrats. We will miss them!
Our team won another $1M NSF grant with Professor Cappelleri. Cheers!
RI: Medium: Light Responsive Polymer Magnetic Microrobots with Dual Mode Sensing for Biomedical and Advanced Manufacturing Applications
Tyler was officially awarded his Ph.D. degree today., Congrats! Tyler has moved to Iowa City and will start as a tenure-track assistant professor in two weeks. (Image: Tyler posted with his poster in ME building).
Jae-Sang's paper was among the top 15 most cited papers published by Applied Optics between 2016-2018. Congrats!
[82] J. -S. Hyun, and S. Zhang, "Enhanced two-frequency phase-shifting method," Appl. Opt., 55(16), 4395-4401, 2016; doi: 10.1364/AO.55.004395
School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University. West Lafayette, Indiana. 47907.